Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Lighting Made Simple

Earlier in the class, we discussed different lighting in photography. Having light in a certain position can change the look of the image. The color of the light is also a factor. This quick little article explains the differences in the lighting positions as well as the color of light being used. 

The few short paragraphs about the different lighting positions interested me. Although when we look at a photo with back lighting or side lighting we do not think of it as a photography norm. At least I don`t. Front light for example seems to be the norm of lighting positions, having the entire scene exposed and able to see every detail makes a good photo right? Although some of that is true, having the light come from a different angle gives the photo an artsy look. It gives the photo more character and beauty. Back light can also be used. As explained in the article, back light can be tricky. Because the camera has a lot of light flooding into the lens, capturing a back light photo can be tricky.

The article also mentions hard light and soft light. Hard light produces shadows and dark areas. Soft light is more of a gradual transition to the shadows and dark areas of the photo. Soft light is created from large source of light, while hard light comes from a small source of light. Like the sun verses a flashlight. The sun gives of a great deal of light and a flashlight only gives off light into a small defined area. Both of these light sources created different shadows in a photo. 

Overall, this article came in handy when trying to understand light and how we use it in photopraphy. 

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