Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Extreams

For class we were asked to take four pictures to show that we understand the three things that make a great picture. For my pictures I took ISO and aperture to their extremes on my iPhone. The first two pictures are differences in ISO. You can tell by the pictures how one is more grainy than the other. Because there is more light in a higher ISO, the photo is comes out grainy, compared to the lower ISO which has barley any grain changes in the background.

The next photos show the change in aperture. Aperture is the changing in the opening of the lense. This either allows more light or less light in. The size of the lens opening can be seen in the difference depths of the photo. Wile one photo is clear from front to back, the other is blurry in the background. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Iphone Camera Apps

In this class most of us are using cameras, I however decided to use my iPhone. Not only does this challenge me but it also allows me to see what my phone can actually do. This link shows what are the best apps to use.

Some of these apps include shutter speed, ISO, and exposure. Just looking at a few of these apps they look complicated to use. I happen to use the app ProCam 6. This app allows you to shoot with RAW. I have found the app to be very useful and easy to use. Although I have only had a week of experience with it, I am looking forward to seeing what it can offer.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Iphone Tips

Now and days everyone has their phone on them. Most of us use an iPhone. This article explains some simple tips iPhone users could use to improve their photos. 

There were a few tips in this article that I thought was interesting. One of the tips was to use a selfie stick to broaden your perspective. I honestly thought selfie sticks were a thing of the past but I guess not. Its really is a good idea once you think about it. The selfie stick would be beneficial not just for the selfie. Getting that larger or closer perspective from that selfie stick can make a lot of difference. As discussed last week in class, perspective can change how much light or size the objects in the image. 

Another tip that caught my attention was the simplicity of cropping. I have never viewed cropping an image to make it look better but seeing the example in the article, I can see how a simple crop can make the photo look better. 

This article does help me understand a little bit more about my iPhone and how to take the perfect picture. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Photophrahy Intro

Hello all,

I just wanted to share some of my own images I have took throughout my years. I have traveled much of Colorado and have seen some very beautiful places. Most of these images come from my iPhone camera but I am glad I have been able to capture the moment. A few of these pictures were taken here at RMC.

Although some of these pictures are not "nature," to me they do include some sort of Earthy beauty. Whether that is a sunset or a lake. Having some other figures in the picture still makes it beautiful. I look forward to learning new methods on my phone to take even better pictures and being able to edit them to perfection.